How To Choose A Security Door

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Security doors in Springvale are an important aspect of your home. Who doesn’t want the assurance that they and their family are safe at night. We live in a world of uncertainty where anything can happen. In this era the safety of your home is of the top most concern . What is the most common point of vulnerability of your house? It is your door. It is one of the most common points of break in. A bad choice in doors can be the cause of a break in and put family and valuables at risk. Choosing the right security door is of utmost importance. 

Research the firm from which you will buy 

Research the firm thoroughly to ensure they provide up to standard product and services. Look at customer reviews, seek word of mouth, visit security forums and see what people say about the firm. Also on the firm’s corporate website look at its pricing, service terms and conditions, service costs and return policies. 

Ask for Certifications 

A quality door will be backed by certifications. Ask your supplier to provide certifications ensuring safety and quality. If the manufacturer is unable to provide certifications it is best to avoid the manufacturer. 

What type of door do you need 

Doors can be of steel, aluminum and oak. If your area is unsafe and prone to robberies and break ins a steel door will be needed. Steel also offers more protection than most wood doors but sturdy wood doors are available for protection. Wood doors also suit most houses as a steel door might not go with the aesthetic of your house.  

Door Frame 

 The door frame can either be steel or aluminum. A steel frame is the most durable and regarded as the safest. Aluminum is less sturdy but also less prone to corrosion. If you live in a humid environment an aluminum frame can be suitable. 

Choosing handles and locks  

Handles and locks are of the utmost importance. The most common reason why security doors fail to keep intruders out is not because the door broke but because the lock failed. Choose a sturdy and reliable brand of lock and handle 

How many locking points should there be? 

A large number of locking points provide safety. Generally speaking 20 locking pins should be enough to provide maximum security and keep intruders out. 

Fire proofing 

If you live in apartment in some areas it is required by law for doors to be fire proof. The door should be fire resistant and the manufacturer should provide a certificate stating so. This fireproofing will not only save your life in case of a fire but also protect you from fine if the authorities find out you violated this rule and didn’t install a fire proof door. For more information, please log on to